Services - Promotion & PR
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Book Marketing and Publicity
Editing, Business, Distribution, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Agent18 EndorsementsBook Consulting, Publicity, Coaching, Promotion, Film Options. My name is Sherry Frazier and I am The Queen of Hoopla I am known for my enthusiasm, tenacity, 'tell it like it is' attitude, for my passion for good work and my ability to make things happen. I am great at helping authors to build their brand and extend it on social media. I coach authors to help identify and implemen...
Bookarma - Global Book Marketing for $1.99/month
Promotion & PR27 EndorsementsAre you tired of marketing your book by yourself? Bookarma (pronounced book-karma) is an author platform that connects your book with new readers around the globe. This pay-it-forward solution allows you break through the boundaries of your own social circles to leverage the social media channels of other authors to reach new readers around the globe. Use the coupon code BookLife at che...
Social Media, Promotion & PR9 EndorsementsClimb the Amazon charts with a Freebooksy feature. The Freebooksy Feature gets your book in front of hundreds of thousands of readers , the surest way to boost downloads. Features start at $40 and are the perfect marketing tool if you have a permafree book or an upcoming KDP Select promotion.
Bargain Booksy Feature
Social Media, Promotion & PR5 EndorsementsBargain Booksy has over 100,00 registered user s who love to read books priced under $5. A Bargain Booksy feature is a great way to spur sales of your book. Features start at $25 and get your book in front of thousands of readers who love to read your genre. Try us out today.
Wisdom House Books
Editing, Art & Design, Production, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Publishing1 EndorsementWISDOM HOUSE BOOKS offers every service an author may need to produce a high quality book and to maximize that book's potential under our care. We represent the best of YOU and our services reflect that. We pull our resources and years of experiences in Publishing, Editing, Promotion & PR, Production, Art & Design, Web Design, Social Media, and Photography representation together for you. A...
Editing, Art & Design, Production, Distribution, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Publishing4 EndorsementsBBL Publishing & Media offers independent publishing through our Hybrid Imprint (Partner Publishing), Self-publishing Consulting, and Author Branding and PR services. Our signature workshops help authors and publishers "Break through the Overwhelm" of Platform, Publicity, & Launch.
Editing, Business, Art & Design, Production, Distribution, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Agent, PublishingThrough the process of writing and getting published, Mr. Bourgeois saw a need for additional marketing avenues for Authors that was not covered in the normal channels. While there were a lot of new ‘web’ based social networks for authors, there was nothing that really helped challenged them, and or gave them a way to promote themselves in a way that finds new readers; Indie Beacon i...
Concierge Book Publishing Services
Promotion & PRLet us help you publish your book. We are a one-stop shop for product development - from writing and editing, design and layout, marketing/distribution and sales. Give us a call today.
MindStir Media
Editing, Art & Design, Production, Distribution, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Publishing1 EndorsementMindStir Media is a top-rated self-publishing company partnered with Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington. MindStir offers professional publishing services including custom book design, editing, printing, distribution, marketing and publicity. MindStir authors retain their rights and up to 100% royalties. All services offered by MindStir are hand-picked by the owner J.J. Hebert, #1 bestselling autho...
Book Reviews and Promos - Self-Publishing Review
Editing, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Publishing6 EndorsementsSelf-Publishing Review’s professional team can review your book with a quick turnaround and a minimum of 500 words. The site has been recommended by The Guardian , The New York Times and Publisher’s Weekly , and offers professional reviews for self-publishers and independent authors. SPR gets on average 170,000 views a month plus 38,000+ social media followers.
Cinco de Mayo
Promotion & PRDon Miles' Cinco de Mayo: What is Everybody Celebrating? (2nd Ed.) has already won a Finalist award for Best Military History (Book Fest) and awards for both the cover and the interior design. It tells how the French emperor ordered his generals to take over Mexico and then - using it as a base - help the Confederates win their Civil War against the United States. What if they had succeed...
Reader Views Literary Awards
Social Media, Promotion & PR4 EndorsementsThe Reader Views Literary Awards program helps level the playing field for self-published authors, allowing readers to recognize the most creative and exciting new books in the industry. Our awards program is recognized industry-wide as one of the most respected literary awards programs for independent authors. Open from May 1 - December 15th Entry Fee includes a review of your book, a 20-po...
Editing, Distribution, Web Design, Promotion & PR, Publishing1 EndorsementBowker provides products and services that make books easier to discover, evaluate, and experience – connecting publishers, authors, and booksellers with readers. From essential identifiers like ISBNs and barcodes… to editing and copyright protection services… to marketing and publicity tools, Bowker offers a wide range of tools and resources authors need to publish and promot...
Kathleen Schmidt
Social Media, Promotion & PRAt Kathleen Schmidt Public Relations, we pride ourselves in working closely with authors, publishers, and publishing-adjacent companies to create thoughtful and meaningful strategies for connecting books and readers. Services include publicity strategy & campaigns, marketing campaigns, audience development, social media platform building, branding, and more.
Editing, Art & Design, Production, Distribution, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR, PublishingeBooks2go is a one-stop shop, providing digital publishing solutions to independent authors and publishers worldwide. We offer a variety of services including: eBook conversions (ePub and MOBI), print-on-demand, distribution (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, OverDrive, etc.) cover designs, marketing assistance, and even website and app development. If you would like to add audio, vi...
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