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Michael D. Smith
Higher Power
"We all make mistakes in life. In this book, ?The Greatest Mistakes in My Life,? I am sharing with you, the reader, some of my mistakes I made in my life. Of course, I made plenty of them, and hoping you will learn from my mistakes. You will gain wisdom and knowledge and apply them to your daily life. Even, if it is only one, I would have reached my goal touching your heart, the reader. In gratitude, I thank God for my life on this earth. As I begin to write this book, I am sitting on the shores of Lake Shetek near Currie, Minnesota the beauty of God?s creation. The lake is calm, the sun is setting in the West, pelicans are flying overhead in the midst of God?s peace and His love. God is present. As you read this book, keep in mind that I went to the seminary to become a Roman Catholic priest at the age of 44 and was ordained at the age of 50. I dedicate this book to my mother and father Leo and Elizabeth Schmitz, both are deceased, but brought me up into this wonderful world."
